Needles: dpn 2.5mm or 3mm. I have used 2.5 mm but knitted losely.
Crochet hook: 2.5mm
Others: weaving in needle, stitch holder, 6 small buttons
I think that I have normal size hands, but if you want to make them bigger or smaller, you can add or take away a point so that there will be 5 stitches more or less i circumference.
CO 10 st and purl a row
row 1: k2, [yo, k2tog] 3x, double yo, k2.
row 2: slip purlwise, knit to end (NB: double yo always as 1 stich)
row 3: k3, [yo, k2tog] 3x, double yo, k2.
row 4: knit like row 2.
row 5: k4, [yo, k2tog] 3x, double yo, k2.
row 6: knit like row 2.
row 7: k5, [yo, k2tog] 3x, double yo, k2.
row 8: slip purlwise, bind off 4 sts, knit to end (10 sts again).
repeat rows 1-8, 8 times more. The last row of the last repeat, bind off all stitches and put the last stitch on a crochet hook and make a chain stitch.

Crochet 3 hdc (half double crochet) between the “knots,” the 4th and 5th in the same space. There will be 45 hdc, or 5 for each point. Then crochet 11 hdc along the cast on edge and 3 hdc i the first point. crochet 7 hdc in each chain stitch, crochet 3 hdc i the next 8x, crochet a hdc in each of the bind off stitches (12 stitches) and finishing with a slip stitch in the first chain stitch. It will look like:
Put the first and the last point over each other and begin to pick up the stitches along the hdc. On the right glove, put the left side on top and on the left glove, the right side on top. (right glove to the right, left glove to the left)

Change to dpn and pick up 40 st along the crochet edge, the first 5 over each other. Now you have 40 st, 10 on each needle. Mark the beginning of each round by the point edge, the 5 displace st to the left on the left glove.
row 1-30: St st
Now you will knit the thumb:
Right glove:
row 31: k21, m1, k1, m1, k18
row 32, 33: St st
row 34: k21, m1, k3, m1, k18
row 35, 36: St st
Continue to increase 2 stitches every 3rd row and knit 2 extra stitches for the thumb that is marked in bold until you have 11 stitches between the two increases. You would have knited 46 rows.
row 47, 48: St st
row 49: k21, put 13 st on a stitch holder or a yarn bit, CO 1 st in between, k18
row 50-64: St st
Cast off all stitches. Put the last stitch on a crochet hood and ch1. Crochet 40 hdc along the bind off edge, finishing with a slip stitch. Cut the yarn.
Left glove:
row 31: k18, m1, k1, m1, k21
row 32, 33: St st
row 34: k18, m1, k3, m1, k21
row 35, 36: St st
Continue to increase 2 stitches every 3rd row and knit 2 extra stitches for the thumb that is marked in bold until you have 11 stitches between the two increases. You would have knited 46 rows.
row 47, 48: St st
row 49: k18, put 13 st on a stitch holder or a yarn bit, CO 1 st in between, k21
row 50-64: St st
Cast off all stitches. Put the last stitch on a crochet hood and ch1. Crochet 40 hdc along the bind off edge, finishing with a slip stitch. Cut the yarn.
Thumb (right and left glove knitted similarly):
Place 13 stitches on dpn, pick up 3 stitches in the opening. Knit 5 rows St st, cast off all stitches, put the last stitch on a crochet hook and ch1. Crochet 16 hdc along the bind off edge, finishing with a slip stitch in the ch1. Cut the yarn.
Weave in all the ends, sew on the buttons and block out if you think it’s a good idea.
CO: cast on
k: knit
p: purl
k2tog: knit 2 together
dpn: double pointed needle
hdc: half double crochet
m1: make 1
St st: stockinette stitch
ch: chain stitch
Thanks to Diem, tellmewhydm on ravelry, who translated the pattern.
Oh, vilka vackra! :)
SvaraRaderaJaha, då vet jag precis. men fina är de.
SvaraRaderaThanks! they are beautiful
SvaraRadera......även om jag förstår svenska, kan jag inte förstå svenska stickbeskrivningar...
De er så fine tror jeg må prøve meg på dem. :))
SvaraRaderaVilka jättefina!
SvaraRaderaTack för dina tips angående att spinna ull - nu har jag precis börjat testa med mitt nybörjarset från Det är superkul!
I will make these for my daughter, Elin! She will love them.
SvaraRaderaVery nice mitts ♥ Thank you for sharing the pattern.
SvaraRaderaBest regards..
Die Häkel-Eule / The Crochet-Owl